Library Rules

Total No of Books 1200
Periodicals 450
Dailies 150
Reference Books 1800
Magazine 7
Library is managed through Software? Yes
Internet facility available in library? Yes
Does library have teacher resources? Yes

1. Marking underlining teariy off pages or writing on library books. periodicals and newspapers is strictly Prohibited. 
2. Magazines and periodicals may also be issued for a week only. 
3. Library card is individual & non-transferable. On misuse of it the owner will be penalized 
4.One book will be issued to a student at a time for 7 days, only however this may be reissued if there is no demand by others. Over due will be fine @ Rs 5/- per day. Please check & report any damage to the book before borrowing & report to the librarian. 
5. The librarian may call back the book before time in case of urgency. 
6. In case a book lost the recovery will be made by paying 150 % of the Price. 
7. Details of student , duly filled in & counter signed by the class teacher must be submitted to the librarian.( Library card is available in the student diary). 
8. All“ Library Dues" should be clear before getting " Annual Exam Admit Card.” For Class XII they can get library books by money deposit from 1st January. They can keep books of competitive exams & it must be returned after 5 days of exam. 
9. Books are issued only for 15 days. 
10. Student can keep the books during vacation or holidays but it must be returned within 2 days of schools reopening. 
11. Each student can get one book at a time. 
12. In case the book is lost, immediately the matter should be reported to the Librarian & their instructions should be followed to cover the loss. 
13. Student & staff members are requested to get the books noted in the register even if they need them for a short period More than one book can not be issued at a time. Before leaving reading room books must be returned with the signature of the Librarian. 
14. About reading room
I. Students must maintain silence & discipline in the Library. 
II. Mobile Phone is not allowed in Library. 
III. Before leaving the room, issued materials should be returned. Magazines should returned. Magazines should be placed back on rack. Chairs should be arranged without making noise.
 IV. Any student found misusing reading room for escaping subiect period will hav face sever punishment. 
V. Incase of the loss of the original card, a duplicate Library card will be issued a
Payment of Rs. 20/-. 
VI. Library remains open from 8.00 am to 4.00 PM.